# ITokenErrors

Matt Stam (@mattstam)


The interface for the errors that may be thrown from IToken.

# Errors

# InitialDistributionLengthMismatch

error InitialDistributionLengthMismatch(uint256 ownersLen, uint256 valuesLen)

When distribution owner array length and values array length do not match.

Can occur with initialize().

# Parameters

Name Type Description
ownersLen uint256 The length of the owners array.
valuesLen uint256 The length of the values array.

# MaxMintablePerHashExceeded

error MaxMintablePerHashExceeded(uint256 value, uint256 maxMintableValue)

When an mint attempt occurs that exceeds the token's maxMintablePerHash().

Can occur with addRelease(). Specifically occurs when a values[i] exists the values array that is greater than the token's maxMintablePerHash().

# Parameters

Name Type Description
value uint256 The value attempting to be minted.
maxMintableValue uint256 The token's maxMintablePerHash() value.

# UnauthorizedMinter

error UnauthorizedMinter(address senderAddr, address expectedAddr)

When a mint attempt occurs from a sender other than the token's minter().

Can occur with mint().

# Parameters

Name Type Description
senderAddr address The address of the unauthorized sender.
expectedAddr address The expected address, which should be the minter.